Description : -Malabar Neem originates from the Meliaceae family and
is an indigenous species of tree to India, South East Asia and Australia, where
it has been cultivated as a source of firewood. The tree can be cultivated in
all types of soil and requiring a low supply of water . Malabar Neem has the
unique feature of growing to 40 feet within 2 years from planting and can be
mechanically pruned and harvested as an energy crop.
Malabar neem is a specie belonging to the neem family. This tree is known for its fast growth. In recent times the farmers around Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh & Kerala.This plant is used in paper industry, upto 3 years of its life (on par with eucalyptus or subabul).But, from 5 years of age onwards, Malbar Neem will be used in the plywood industry, and hence its value goes up substantially. Beyond 10 years, it is used as timber, further increasing its value
Malabar neem is a specie belonging to the neem family. This tree is known for its fast growth. In recent times the farmers around Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh & Kerala.This plant is used in paper industry, upto 3 years of its life (on par with eucalyptus or subabul).But, from 5 years of age onwards, Malbar Neem will be used in the plywood industry, and hence its value goes up substantially. Beyond 10 years, it is used as timber, further increasing its value
Other names : -Telugu- Konda Vepa, Tamil – Malai vembu, Malayalam –
Malavembu ; Oriya – Batra. It is also called Melia Dubia.
The wood is used for packing cases, cigar boxes, ceiling planks, building
purposes, agricultural implements, pencils, match box, making of boats, musical
instruments, tea boxes and the most importantly in making plywood, as the wood
is anti-termite by itself. It is a good fuel wood (High Calorific value)
of Malabar Neem - A height of 20.feet in two years with a spreading
crown and a cylindrical straight bole of 9 m length and 1.2 – 1.5 m girth. The
bark is dark brown, exfoliating in thin, narrow strips with broad, shallow,
longitudinal cracks. Leaves bi-pinnate or occasionally tri-pinnate. Leaflets
ovate – Lanceolate to ovate round, entire or crenulate; flowers greenish white,
fragrant, intense panicles; fruit an ovoid or ellipsoid drupe with 5 or less
requirement for Malabar Neem Farming - It grows on variety of soils .However deep fertile sandy
loam soils shows optimum growth, while shallow gravelly soils shows stunt
growth. The tree is a light demander, the seedling are suppressed under shade.
Seedlings tolerate some frost but severe frost kills them. It is susceptible to
damage by fires and sapling suffers from browsing.
in Malabar Neem Farming :- Six to
nine months old seedlings can be planted at an espacement of 3 X 3m or 3 X 4m.
Annual pruning is done to get the straight cylindrical boles.
in Malabar Neem Farming :- The tree
responds well to irrigation at once in every 10 – 15 days during non rainy season.
Malabar Neem
wood characteristics :- The
sapwood is greyish white; heartwood light pink to light red turning pale russet
brown on ageing. It is lustrous with dry feel, very light (spl gr- 0.33;
wt – 21 Ib. /cu ft.) straight grained and coarse and somewhat uneven –
textured. The timber is not durable in exposed positions but moderately
so under cover. It is not so strong and durable as neem. It seasons well
if logs are converted in a green state. If left long, the log is liable
to develop end – splitting and discolouration. The best method of dealing
with the timber is to convert the logs immediately after felling and to open –
stack sawn material, preferably under cover, to avoid grey stain.
Malabar Plantation:- Normally, these plants are planted in 5'x5' (1700 plants
per acre), 6'x6' (1200 plants per acre)10'x10' (440 plants per acre),or 12'x12'
(300 plants per acre) Beyond 3 years plants should be kept at a distance of at
least 10'x10' thinning them down. Intercrops can be grown with larger distances
between plants.
of Malabar Neem :- The malabar neem
wood can be sold for match and veneer industry. The tree with the minimum
size of 16inches girth is saleable at the minimum rate of Rs 2000 per tonne for
match industry and for veneer industry, the market rate is little higher.
Neem Farming is Picking due it’s fast
growth and huge demand for this wood. Huge Profits are achievable in shorter